Friday, January 30, 2009

week in reveiw

on monday we did some sheet that was on mitosis and reveiwed it that took a lot of time and that was all we got to.

on tuesday we went over all iof the stages of mitosis. mr. finley told us that there are 7 stages of mitosis. we also reveiwed our homework.

on wednesday we didnt have school

on thursday we made a long list of words that had to do with mitosis. i don't have the time to list them so i wont list them. we have to make a concept map of them for homework tonight.

on friday we made a huge concept map of all of the concept maps we did for homework. then we had a multiple choice quiz on mitosis

Friday, January 23, 2009

on monday we didn't have school

on tuesday we reviewed the study guide. we also went over our questions

on wednesday we had a huge test. it was easyer then the other one we had.

on thursday we went over the lab sheet and finished the answers we didn't get

on friday we did a lab sheet and reveiwed it. i was partners with matt.

Monday, January 19, 2009

on Monday we reviewed terms like DNA, gene, protein, mRNA, tRNA, codon, and amino acid.for homework we made a cocept map of those terms.

on tuesday we added other terms to the ones from yesterday. we also took notes on the terms. we didn't have any homework that day.

on wednesday we reveiwed the concept map from monday and we had to do 25% of the study guide for homework. in class bwe started to look at root cells under microscopes.

on thursday we went obver the 25% of the study guide we did for homework and answered questions we had about that. we also had to do 50% of the study guide that night.

on the final day of the week we took notes on reproduction and mitosis. we reveiwed the study we had done so far and had to do 75% of the study guide for homework tonight.

Friday, January 9, 2009

week in review

on monday we reveived cell functions. we also reveiwed photo synthesis and protien synthesis. the point of that was to remember that stuff for the test that we took.
on tuesday we went over homework. we discussed if plants can live under water we also did a drawing with atoms and moleucules.
on wednesday we discussed why fish can't breath above water. we also discussed what a calorie is and what it did.
on thursday mr. finley not there and we worked on a worksheet on some website that was based on protien sythesis
on friday we took a really hard quizthat was all we did today.